Monday, December 3, 2007

Someone is 15 today!

So, I offically start my hiatus today and I still haven't asked Catherine to change my passwords for AIM, MS, and IMDB.
I think I'll just check IMDB for a bit. Kekekeke. :]]
Tomorrow is going to be so depressing. I'm going to get my Euro test, theses, and flashcards back and I have a really big timed essay tomorrow in English! I hate Tuesdays. >:[
I have to be emotionally prepared for tomorrow.
Today wasn't that bad actually. Good thing ONE day of this week was fine. -sigh-
I need to start my DJ's today too, but I have no CLUE what to write about! EEK!
And The Crucible extra credit is only 10 points. =/ Well it's better than nothing right?
I'm listening to "I'm a Survivor" by Destiny's Child and it's making me pumped to work harder. And the song from Legally Blonde? That's inspirational too!

I just finished Bio 1 hour early because I started a bit earlier than I intended.
This hiatus is actually working! :P This is my only procrastination I will be doing for the rest of the semester. I'm sorry Paulina! XD

Now I need to do English homework (and gather info for the essay), math homework, and read the big ugly Euro textbook.
The classes I don't like: Math (when I don't get something, other than that it is fine),
AP Euro, and ENGLISH. Biology is fine because you can make up all your tests. =)

On the bright side: TODAY IS PAULINA'S BIRTHDAY!

With love,
Kelseyy. :]
Your less beautiful friend. Hahahaha

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