Whateva! (hand motion)
I kept on saying that while I was trying to go to bed and Annika almost had a fit. Bahaha. And then she gave me the usual, "Why do you even like those 3 boys?" talk. Psh, why does she like Hugh Laurie?! Well.. Nevermind, Hugh is legit. Tomorrow is school. NOOO :[ I've been a bit superstitious lately. I read my horoscope and it said that if a friend planned something (hangout) then I shouldn't go if I don't feel RIGHT about it. Well just so happens that Catherine invited me to go iceskating with her and Mica, Paulina, and Kristen. I was still sore for skiing (-_- don't laugh) and I just didn't feel like going out so here I am, home. With a random Korean guy in my house measuring our windows. I was sleeping and my mom's like, "WAKE UP!" and then this guy comes in laughing and says sorry. While I'm in my hello kitty pajamas and my hair is all messed up. Yeppp :D Today I need to finish English homework and review my Biology homework. YES! Then I need to go to Staples to buy.. whiteout. I'm going to bake some cookies and paint my nails. Hahaha Oh wow. I had the weirdest dream. I had a dream that I was watching a play at our school and they were passing out chips and I wanteed two bags of chips and everyone looks at me and they're like, "she wants two.." then all of a sudden they give me their food (not chip. ohohohho it changed to REAL food.) I have no idea why, but Debbie and these tennis girls were there. Debbie was eating this.. Chinese looking thing. And HAHHAA the random thing of the dream. Kayla's sister was there! So, back to the dream, I was eating my food and then all of a sudden I am on the stage as an actress but I had no idea what to do so I was just at the side of the stage. Then Sammy texted me and it wasn't a regular text. It was a handwritten one.. And it said. "bla blah Jerry said he likes me and I'm jealous" I really don't know why it said jealous, wouldn't she be happy?THEN, my dream switches to a chaotic (not everyone is running around but we're in a big room) scene where I'm with Paulina (my Paulina) and with her friends, Tammy, Jenny, and Roger (I have no idea how I know that. hahaha) I guess we're at a concert (judging from being with Paulina, you can guess whcih concert) and we're just taking pictures and I was taking pictures of them but they're like, "Kelsey join the picture!" so I was all happy. I don't know if I met them or not but that was a happy dream.. Can anyone analyze that for me?
I'm not reallly looking forward going to Ontrack, Aplus, etc.
A-plus.. I'm the secretary but I haven't even gotten all the emails to email everyone when there ISN'T a meeting. Oh boy..
My mom says I don't do enough extracurricular activities.. And that I should run for an office.
There is NO way I'm running for ASB so I settled to run for CSF or NHS.
But.. :[
I suck at speeches and I have the worst stage fright.
Even if I know the people in the class, I still get nervous.
Like my Romeo and Juliet lines. I FROZE up. -___-
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