The next three weeks (before winter break) are going to be INTENSE. I need to work my ass off in ALL my classes, besides Aerobics and Orchestra. Haha This week: I need to do all my DJ's and my 5 page essay for English (and actually put effort into it.. I need an A on them). There is also a Math test I need to get an A on so I need to study a lot for that. Biology afterschool on Thursday and Friday. Including Tuesday mentoring and Wednesday Tutoring.. Next Week: I have an Orchestra concert on Wednesday and Tutoring on the same day. Also, mentoring on Tuesday. THEN, on Thursday and Friday I stay in Biology reviewing for the midterm. The week after that: Hugeeeee AP biology midterm I need to ace!! And in between those three weeks, I will have Spanish, Math, Euro, Biology, and English quizzes & tests. Oh boy.. I am going to be so stressed out. Maybe I'll even get my first gray hair? NOOO. :'[ I'll probably be staying up until 12:30 each night until winterbreak starts. Then winterbreak.. CHILL. (with homework and studying. woo -_-)
I am going on multiple hiatuses for AIM, Myspace, and IMDB.
:[ So I can pay attention more to studying and homework.
So that will definitely help me.
But I think I'm going to update my blogs each dayyyy if I can.
I think only one person reads this though. Haha
EDIT: Mr. Henson updated grades.. -_-
Once I make those 3 tests up, I will have a 86%-ish.
hopefully! Because each makeup test raises the grade 4% i believe, so 3 tests = 12%.
so then it will actually be an 87%!
And homework and the binder will raise it like 3%.
90%!! And then midterm..
That's the problem. I can have it drop my grade 3% to get an A. EEK!
I will pray every night. <3>
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