My other post I submitted yesterday was really wierd and half of my text was deleted for some reason? Anyways, I can't go into full detail about today because I'm a bit behind schedule (Dumb Bio test on Friday = studying major..) But, tutoring was today and I really like the students. Half of them need help with Geometry and I SUCK at Geometry even though I'm a musician (supposedly musicians are supposed to be good with Geo. because it's creative math. Creative my butt, I hated it. >:[) Anyways, Aerobics really has gotten me in good health (not necessarily having my stomach lose its "fat" there, but whatever I'm fine with my figure (with all the candy and sweets -cough- LOL) I ran a mile and a half, and it was really easy. Other than my body being a complete popsicle on legs, I ran around 11 minutes for 6 laps on a track? Hm, not so bad! :D I really hope Ezratty lets us listen to our iPods while running. I'll run JB during running. So much motivation. ;D YAY. I asked my mom if I could go to a sleepover after the Homecoming dance and she said yes (but with hesitation because there's 1 GUY at the sleepover. -_-) I am stoked. If i do well on my 2 tests on Friday, the weekend will be amazing. If I don't, yeah I'll be depressed. XD
Also, no improvement on the Christine situation. At the Filmmakers club, she said that we're doing a Jonas Brothers music video. Only for 2 reasons:
1. She wants to be friends with my again.
2. She promised she would do a JB music video for me, but never followed up. During the fight I told her she never kept her promises she made TO me and I told her about the JB MV, and shes like, "OH YEAH. im doing that.." Psh I bet she forgot about it. =|
And it came out that I'm in a fight with her. Word spreads fast in HS. -__-
I was writing an English narrative essay about my parents and I am so much more thankful about them writing that (I already loved them A LOT, but now I love them even more). I'm so grateful to have such good parents and a good family background. =)
Anyways, toodles! <33
I feel like I forgot to write something..
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